Wednesday, June 14, 2006

people we met in the last five years

here are a couple of firsts for danielle (note: they have all taken place in the past week):

1. i just used the boys bathroom at the bi-partisan cafe. it was exhilerating.

2. i went to a sports bar and watched half a game of the world cup (germany versus poland). not only was it my first time at a sports bar, it was only my second time ever walking into a bar by myself. i felt empowered as i sat in the bar, drinking my coke and cheering for the underdog (as usual).

3. i became a nanny. for rich american kids. who don't watch tv and who order me to play pretend games with them while using a british accent and to cook them gourmet food. this one is a stretch for me.

4. i went bowling in milwaukie with co-workers on $1.25 shoe rental night. enough said.

5. i smoked my first hookah. it made my clothes smell weird, and i felt very middle eastern.

6. i was yelled at today by one of my former volunteers for being judgemental and told that i was going to be written up to the head of catholic charities for my poor job and character. side note: this is not the first time i have been yelled at by a crazy person, but it is the first time i have been yelled at by a crazy person in front of a group of impressionable kids.

i guess there is a first time for everything.


Lo said...

SO WEIRD!! I had that Death Cab song in my head when I decided to go to your blog and right when the title came up, my head was singing "the people we have met in the last 5 years..." That is inSANE!

Lo said...

i wrote my first comment before reading your blog. that makes me sad, about the catholic charities volunteer. but you'll come out on top. i love you.

lindsay anne said...

i can't believe you hadn't smoked hookah.
mm, its so yummy.
we should experience this together, eh?