Tuesday, March 28, 2006

multnomah girls gone wild

our spring break road trip 2006 (or rt'06 for short) is going fabulous, save for some minor setbacks.
first, the good news:
i have spent over 20 hours in the car with two of the greatest girls ever. we sing, we laugh, we sit in pleasant silence. . . it has just been golden.
i met up with my first college roomate and had a splendid time. i was a bit nervous to see her, seeing as it's been a year and she is now married, but it was as if time never passed at all. i loved her husband. he made us chocolate chip pancakes in animal shapes (mine was a great white shark).
i went back to my old bible college and was overwhelmed with a feeling of goodwill (not what i was expecting at all) and i saw old friends and everywhere i looked i remembered people and they remembered me. i am always positive that i am the most forgettable person in the world, but it didn't play out like that today.
i saw an old friend that i had been needing to see and reconcile with. it went great. christ was there.
i bought a pair of over-sized glasses at target and both mari and michelle have taken turns commadeering them. we have decided that they are magic. everyone who wears them feels ridiculously good about themselves and can't help taking pictures that they secretly want to post on myspace. we have decided to call ourselves the sisterhood of the magical glasses.

now for the not-so-good.

mari got a speeding ticket. well, she was driving 21 miles over.
it is monsooning here in long beach. seriously. there are absolutely inches of water everywhere. i do believe it is colder here than in portland. so, i gues i won't be coming back sun-kissed.
i met up with another old friend today and he is decidedly unwell. i listened to his monologues for an hour and i got sick to my stomache. he wants to come live with me and my family in portland. i felt awful because i felt like my ration of compassion had run out today.

ah well. i hope everyone else's spring break is going well, and i hope we all learn to love each other. i don't know why i just typed that.


lindsay anne said...

what am I? Chopped liver?
you come down here to visit me and I don't even get a MENTION.

Krispin Mayfield said...


Linna said...

Super hero address to the rescue:

Own it!

lindsay anne said...

its time for a new blog, dearie.
don't leave me hanging like this. :)